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Awaya Sobei

도쿄 출신

Maker of “Tokyo Station Marunouchi Monaka”

Established in 1950, Awaya Sobei is a maker specialising in Japanese confectionery (wagashi), choosing only the highest quality of ingredients while preserving traditional methods of production.

Preserving Tradition and Craftsmanship: The Legacy of Awaya Sobei

“With a focus on handmade craftsmanship, our traditional wagashi artisans create confections that not only please the palate with their flavor and texture but also bring joy and memorable moments to those who receive them through delicate artistry.”

Awaya Sobei's Legacy: Azuki Red Beans and Monaka

“For generations, we have cherished azuki beans as our most important ingredient, with a commitment to selecting only the finest ingredients, never compromising on quality, and aiming to create Japanese sweets (wagashi) that align with the principles of natural food.

With sincerity and dedication, we continue to make the Monaka a symbol of our brand.”

– Mr. Sato, Representative

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JR EAST 패스로 동일본 전역을 무제한으로 여행할 수 있습니다. 나만의 속도로 상징적인 목적지를 여행하세요.