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Cross Station

From east-japan

Maker of “Cassiopeia Original Cake Salted Brownie”

JR East Cross Station was established on April 2021 through the integration of four companies within the JR East Group. The Foods Company is focused on the three pillars of the food service business, the bento business, and the food manufacturing business, aiming to deliver the joy of food to customers.

Introduction to JR East Cross Station

JR East Cross Station was established on April 2021 through the integration of four companies within the JR East Group: Retail (NewDays & HANAGATAYA), Foods (BECK’S COFFEE SHOP & Irorian Kiraku Soba), Vending Machine Operation and Beverage Product Developmemt (acure), and EKINAKA Commercial Facilities (ecute & GRANSTA).

The Foods Company is focused on the three pillars of the food service business, the bento business, and the food manufacturing business, and delivers the joy of food to customers.

Efforts in Revitalising Local Communities Within East Japan

“As part of our efforts to revitalise local communities, JR East Group opened a food processing factory in Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture in September 2014. Our baking line produces pound cakes using ingredients from the eastern region of Japan for the Shinkansen Gran Class, as well as vegan rice flour cookies.

We also have a dedicated allergy-free production line, which is rare in Japan, that uses ingredients free from eggs, dairy products, and wheat, producing cakes made with Tokamachi-grown Uonuma Koshihikari rice flour and soy milk cream.”

– Mr. Umezawa, Factory Manager @ JR East Japan Cross Station Foods Company Tokamachi Sukoyaka Factory


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스낵 박스 구독

집에서 편안하게 일본을 경험해 보세요. 지금 구독하면 원하는 구독 플랜으로 매달 새로운 맛과 사랑받은 클래식들 즐길 수 있습니다.


JR EAST 패스로 동일본 전역을 무제한으로 여행할 수 있습니다. 나만의 속도로 상징적인 목적지를 여행하세요.