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From hakata-fukuoka

Maker of “Hakata Mentai Shrimp Cracker” and “ICHIGO KIRARA”

Founded in 2009, Fuubian is a representative brand from Hakata, Fukuoka Prefecture, driven by the motto, “To provide sweets that use delicious ingredients that represent Japan in a luxurious way, while putting a smile on our customers’ faces”.

Putting Customers First

“Since our founding, we have been dedicated to delighting our customers by offering confectionery made with the finest, most representative ingredients of Japan. We strive to uncover the ‘wants’ that our customers may not even realise they have, going beyond their immediate desires.”

Commitment to Crafting Japan's Finest Confectionery

“We are not bound by past experiences or preconceived notions, and we approach our work with flexibility. Our goal is to always create products that bring happiness to both the giver and the receiver.” –

Mr. Hirotaki, Representative

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스낵 박스 구독

집에서 편안하게 일본을 경험해 보세요. 지금 구독하면 원하는 구독 플랜으로 매달 새로운 맛과 사랑받은 클래식들 즐길 수 있습니다.


JR EAST 패스로 동일본 전역을 무제한으로 여행할 수 있습니다. 나만의 속도로 상징적인 목적지를 여행하세요.