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YMCA of Singapore

The YMCA of Singapore is a registered charity that seeks to champion, challenge, and train youth with special needs, youth-at-risk, youth volunteers, and leaders to become independent and effective contributors to society through social development, gainful employment, volunteerism, and leadership. YMCA is sustained primarily through social enterprises whose surpluses fund its charitable programmes.

Articles by YMCA of Singapore

6 mins

YMCA Special Needs Inclusive Challenge 2023: Conquering All Odds, Reflecting on Mount Fuji

The YMCA Special Needs Inclusive Challenge team reflects on their journey to conquering heights at Mount Fuji….
28 9월 2023
4 mins

YMCA Special Needs Inclusive Challenge 2023: Conquering Heights Together on Mount Fuji

The YMCA Special Needs Inclusive Challenge team is finally ready to climb Mount Fuji! Altitude-induced fatigue and symptoms of acute…
19 9월 2023
3 mins

YMCA Special Needs Inclusive Challenge 2023: Conquering Heights One Step at a Time

The YMCA Special Needs Inclusive Challenge team undergoes 12 weeks of intensive training and preparation to climb Mount Fuji!…
18 8월 2023
3 mins

YMCA Special Needs Inclusive Challenge 2023: Conquering Heights at Mount Fuji

YMCA of Singapore returns with the YMCA Special Needs Inclusive Challenge 2023, where 10 Special Needs Ambassadors will undergo weekly…
18 7월 2023

스낵 박스 구독

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